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Combo of 2 Good luck Jade Plant with Red Sqaure Plastic Pot

Combo of 2 Good luck Jade Plant with Red Sqaure Plastic Pot

Regular price Rs. 299.00
Regular price Rs. 599.00 Sale price Rs. 299.00
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Jade plants are popularly considered to be symbols of good luck. They love sun and should be placed in areas where they can get enough sunlight everyday.
    • Jade plants, also knows as Crassula ovata are succulents. They are some of the easiest houseplants to grow, and they are considered to be symbols of good luck.
    • Many people enjoy growing jade plants in their homes & offices. They love sun and areas like balcony are good place to keep them.
    • Jade plants are easy to maintain & easy to care for. They are a great choice especially for beginners.
    • Not only does it purify air by absorbing toxic gases, but also absorbs CO2 at night. Even the extract from its leaves is said to have medicinal properties.

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